Golden Milk Latte

If you are looking for a delicious hot drink that also comes with a TON of health benefits then you've come to the right place! I am so excited to share my recipe for a creamy and yummy golden milk latte. 

Okay...what the heck is golden milk?? This hot spice filled drink is golden in more ways than one. Yes it is the colour of gold...but it also is golden in the fact that it is amazing for our bodies! 

Golden Milk boosts your immune system and with the cold and flu season right upon us what could be better! Now if you've already caught that nasty bug floating around, don't fret because golden milk can also give relief from cough and cold symptoms. The turmeric in the milk has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which help treat infection AND relieve the symptoms.

This drink works wonders on digestive issues and can keep your tummy happy happy happy! If you feel bloated or are experiencing heartburn or any digestive issues, this drink can help tremendously for bringing you relief.

Since turmeric is anti-inflammatory it also helps relieve symptoms of joint pain, headaches and more.

It also helps with making our skin beautiful and healthy and happy! Ummmm score!! 

So basically lets get to the point. This milk is delicious, it's warm and its packed with so so so much golden goodness!

Here's my recipe!

  • One cup almond milk (It is important to find a milk that is carrageenan free. We typically use Califia Farms brand regular unsweetened.) 
  • 1/4 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • one tiny pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil (this is optional but I recommend it as it helps your body absorb the healthy benefits from the spices)
  • honey to taste

Add together all of the ingredients except the honey in a saucepan on low heat. Let simmer for around 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the honey. Pour through a strainer into your big mug and enjoy!! 

If you try this recipe I would love to hear what you think!! 

Happy drinking

