Living Room Style

When it comes to keeping a clean and tidy home with a toddler it is almost near impossible! I know all you mamas out there feel exactly what I am talking about. So I like to keep things as simple and minimal as possible! Easy to clean makes a big difference to am I right? If I told you I can bundle this rug right up and wash it in the washing machine would you believe me?! No? Well I'm not lying! 

Lorena Canals  focuses on style made easy and that makes my heart SO happy as a mama with a busy toddler who insists on running around the house with food in one hand and crayons in the other. Even if you don't have kids, accidents happen! I know we ALL like to enjoy a cup of a hot drink or a treat cozied up on the couch or maybe you have a pet who might shed or make a rambunctious mess in the house! 

None of us want to have to sacrifice style just to avoid those inevitable messes! So don't! I am seriously thinking of putting one of these rugs in EVERY room of our house because I had the hardest time choosing! 

Happy Styling!

