The ONE thing that saved our nursing journey that not even your pedatrician will tell you about...

I have been feeling the need and wanting so badly to write this post for a while now. However, it has just been sitting in my drafts blank because I haven't been sure the best way to get the words out in a kind and gentle yet informative way. I never want to make any mama out there feel like what they are doing or have done for their child isn't the best, because I know as a mama myself we are ALL just trying to love and care for these sweet souls the best we know how. 

So here I sit writing this post because I can't take it any longer. I can't take the poor advice going around and around about breastfeeding. The myths that it's going to hurt, that you aren't or won't make enough milk for your baby, that your baby isn't getting enough because they often want to nurse. ETC,ETC,ETC.

I know we want to trust our doctors one hundred and ten percent with everything. I WISH we that was the case. However, I think we need to realize that doctors are amazing people but they are human and they are just people. I wish they would be forth write with the fact that they only get ONE 45 minute class on breastfeeding and know really nothing about it. Especially when it comes to a mama and baby having issues.

So, this brings me to the ONE thing that saved our nursing relationship when Hudson was 6 weeks old. Thats right, at 6 weeks old I was ready to be done. I couldn't go on. I was in so much pain, Hudson was always gassy and always spitting up and I couldn't do it anymore. But...I didn't want to give up! I wanted this so badly and my heart was breaking. I KNEW something was wrong. I went to see a Lactation consultant who was really nice and cheered me on, however, there was no solution given. Just to keep trying, keep going...but I couldn't. 

I was devastated. Until one night my amazing and wonderful friend text me to ask how I was doing. I said "good!" she said "how are you really doing?" and I broke down and told her what was going on. She told me she had a feeling and gave me some advice. "Have H checked for tongue and lip ties." So off to the ped we went....who promptly told us... "he may have a minor tie but its definitely not causing these issues." hmmmm. She even asked us if either of us had a high palate because Hud's was extremely high.... turns out that it one MAJOR symptom and sign of being tongue tied. *insert eyeroll*... I went home and googled high palates and SO many scary things popped up.. *Insert double eyeroll* 

My mama heart new better and so off to a dental specialist we went....who then told us..."These are some of the worst ties I have ever seen!!!" AH! A problem and a solution!! 

We immediately had Hudson's ties revised by laser treatment and I kid you not you guys....we have had ZERO issues since. Hudson's colic and reflux like symptoms were gone within 1-2 weeks. I never had a clogged duct, thrush or mastitis again. I was no longer in pain and here we are 19 months and still nursing.

So now what? Now, I have this burning desire to SHARE this info with every mama! Not even just the nursing mamas. Why? Because ties don't only affect breastfeeding.... 

Here is some information on ties:

Signs and Symptoms:

Mamas Symptoms

  • cracked, blistered, bleeding nipples ( NURSING SHOULD NOT HURT! EVER!)
  • Plugged ducts (this happens because babies mouth is not working efficiently enough to get the milk moving and out of the breast. There is no such thing as a "lazy eater". If a babies mouth can work properly, it will.)
  • Sleep deprivation (because baby is not able to nurse efficiently they will compensate by nursing more often)
  • Thrush/ mastitis
  • Low milk supply

Baby's Symptoms

  • Reflux or colic
  • Difficulty latching
  • Gumming or chewing nipples
  • Gassy
  • Slow or no weight gain
  • Makes clicking noises while nursing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Choking on milk or popping on and off breast to gasp for air

Untreated ties in children can cause the following issues:

  • Inability to chew and swallow age appropriate solid foods
  • gagging, choking or vomiting foods
  • persisting food fads
  • difficulties related to dental hygiene, constant cavities even with good oral hygiene, the need for braces, crowding of teeth.
  • Persistant drooling
  • Speech development delays
  • Behavior problems

Untreated ties in adults can cause the following issues:

  • Inability to open mouth widely affecting speech and eating habits
  • Always having to watch their speech
  • Clicking sore jaw
  • Migraines
  • Dental health issues, a tendency to have inflamed gums, increased need for fillings and extractions.
  • Tongue ties in elderly make it difficult to keep and lower denture in.

So now the question I always am asked...."why don't health care professionals have this knowledge?" My answer... I HAVE NO IDEA! and it drives me insane. I talk to at least one mother PER DAY about her baby being tied.... it makes me sad. It breaks my heart to see mamas that think they are failing when really there is a simple solution. It hurts my heart that like me, so many moms have taken their babies from one LC to another and to a trusted DR just to have no answers. It makes me sad that I am the one giving these mother's this advise and the answers to keep going.

Don't get me wrong! I LOVE helping and this topic is truly one of my passions now that I have been learning about it over the last year and half. I have helped many mothers this last year and that makes my heart happy! SO SO happy to see the success stories. So it is my goal to spread this good information, this proper information and this hope for all mamas out there! 

Not even just with breastfeeding, but the mamas who have children struggling with speech delays, behaviour issues, or food issues, this could be the solution!

If you or baby has any of these symptoms PLEASE don't hesitate to ask me for help finding a provider than can help you get a diagnoses AND a proper laser revision for your sweet babies.

I love ALL of you moms out there. I have SO much respect for each and every one of you. Let's keep this information going so that mama's can have the support and proper information that they need!

Much love always,
